Thursday, October 25, 2007

What things have I done # 6 & 7

I am back agian having read the progress log I think I may have confused the poor people who are checking over these things. SORRY I seem to have missed Thing 7 blogging about technology I like. I love my digital camera and the USB Stick, card or drive which is so transportable and contains so much information. Mashups too seem a cool idea and I intend to invetigate further. Love google earth zeroing in on family and friends. Just tried to upload a mashup card and there is a temporary error. Oh Hum. On with the rest.
With the previous blogs I should now by my calculation (correct me if I am wrong) have completed Things 1-17.

A thought!! or maybe a drip, drop or ripple effect.

Love this image just how I feel right now a mere ripple in a large pool or maybe just a drip.!!!

Week 7 Wikkis Thing # 15,16,17

Liked the image so thought I'd add it "cos I can!!!"
These are dynamic and collective, updating quickly to take account of new developments, and drawing on the expertise of a very broad, very deep readership. Mind you don’t believe everything you read you don’t have to be an expert in any field or even know anything to write about it. How will we ever achieve a balance of truth and free use for all?
I think that a wiki is a good idea for any group that has a common purpose. So a wiki for a conference or a group working on scientific experiments or just a social group could be useful.
Having helped to design a web page and therefore knowing how hard this was wikis appeal to me but then the control freak within says hang on anyone can edit it that’s no good a dilemma occurs somewhat.!!!!!!!!!!!
Like this wiki

I just went into favourite blogspots and found our library service wasn’t there so added it and now waiting for the editing to take place. Not sure if it worked may have to go back to the sandpit to check.
I am filling in time before I pick up my Year 12 daughter from end of school party so look out gobbledy gook could start very soon.

Week 6 Things # 12,13,14

Folsonomy probably has poor old Mr Dewey rotating in his grave. Sounds like there are no hard fast rules just go with the flow and whatever pops into your head ay? I guess if you are a web designer and needing your information to hit as many people as possible you would need to be into metadata and tagging in a big way so that your site can appear in the early scroll down of any particular search. IE be at the top of the "dog" search instead of number 1million and 99.
Technorati's "State of the Blogosphere" postings, which claimed that they track 27.7 million blogs, but not Myspace !! Nearly won the 2006 web award but was outstripped by Flickr and Google Maps. The latter would have to be my favorite site at the moment, having many friends and relatives living in Europe I can zero in on to their houses and almost watch them weed the garden. WOW.!!!!!

I joined Library thing but can’t go back to my account because my cookies in my computer aren’t set to the right time. Boo Hoo it is the right time by the ABC beeps so whose time should my computer go by??? I could do with a cookie right now Macadamia and white chocolate are my favourite. I do like the concept of library thing though and intend to enter many of the books I have read. I quite like the book suggester tag that could be quite useful at work.

"Just in case collections"
Reliance on user education I believe the research skills need to be taught in Preps and honed on right through school I am beginning to push this barrow after giving up for a while. The kids still need to read to do any of this web stuff so literacy is still important and the start of it all so to say.
I think we can help in this age of too much choice of reference points by making sure our web page at the library has a one stop shop with access through searches to the best sites available on the web. We are starting with our encyclopaedia online, ebsco and various referencing tools that we subscribe too but with the advent of library consortia surely we can work towards having the best quality search engines and information to hand. Wow I just read O’Reilly’s report and he agrees with me!!!!
John J. Riemer on better bibliographic services makes a lot of sense. That is also what I was talking about one stop shop for all your info.

I love this quote “When you have a program that is exceeding expectations, you have the foundation for success. Empowering the patrons will empower your library.” From George Bishop, Information Centre Director, Ovid-Elsie Schools

There’s some really interesting stuff out there if you know where to find it and I guess that’s what WEB 2 and 23 things is all about.

The majority of this type of event was covered at the ALIA Library Tech conference I recently attended as I said in and earlier blog.

Week 7 Wikkis

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Lesson 6 confused as to what number I am up to Thing 12

I haven't been here for a while and its taken me all day to get this far. I have been reading about Rollyo, Tagging and Techno something but I need to go back big time and check all these things out. I don't seem to be able to link all this stuff together I now have a blog account, bloglines account, Rollyo account, RSS feeds account, and a Flickr account can they all meet on my blog?I also have some must use web sites too so I thought I'd add them for good measure too. Better close the Library its 8.30.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

ALIA Library Tech Conference

No blogging or web 2 this week away at the conference. Very interesting but tiring week. Great social life, now back to reality washing, cleaning, gardening etc. More blogging and learning next week I hope.!!!! Chow

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Another image from some place I visited??

That was easy as long as you can save the image correctly I guess. Wonder if I could Wharholzer my own picture worth investigating!! No reshelving done tonight whoops.

Importing images lesson 5 play

Funny how this worked but the Delft plate I designed got lost in cyber space oh no!!!!!!!!

How much time does all this take though.