Sunday, September 30, 2007

Lesson 4

I have now set up a blogline account but somehow and I Know not how??!! I have a multitude of feeds down one side which go nowhere. whoops. Gosh I sound so negative I don't mean too but after 2 and a half hours I think I have frozen my brain. Its still pouring outside too and I haven't had a walk all day. I know I might try some more technology a new edition to our household last week was an electronic walking machine, can I fit 2 dogs on it too I ask?? That would be a good photo shoot!!!
Well watch this space and I might have to return to bloglines when my brain is less stuffed full of technogarb.

1 comment:

Learning 2.0 administrator said...

I'd love to see a photo of you and your dogs and the treadmill! Keep up the great blogging.